Poland Chapter

cześć i witaj! Hello and welcome to the Polish chapter of Education4Earth! We are located here in Warsaw and we focus on fast fashion and flooding/drought issues. Here’s more about us!

Environmental Education Program

We currently teach students chemistry, the foundation to understand air pollution and fast fashion related environmental challenges, and psychology, how people engage with climate change issues. Specifically focusing on the psychology course, we wanted to emphasize how everyday actions truly do matter, and it is because of psychological reasons that we don’t take initiative in these everyday actions. So, this class goes from the fundamental psychology concepts, to how they are applied to influence these everyday actions and maybe contribute to our constant longing to buy the newest, trendiest clothes. We currently have 5 members and 16 students.

Long-Term Projects

This part of our chapter primarily deals with fast fashion, something that doesn’t just apply to Poland, but also to many, many parts of the world. We focus on reusing clothes and thrifting them when possible, something that many of us are interested in! We have held clothing “swaps” to encourage people to thrift and are working on a social media campaign to inform people about the fast fashion industry. We hope to inform the Polish public and those around the world of the greenwashing and deceptive tactics used by these companies, and help them avoid those programs when possible.
Our secondary project has to do with flooding and droughts, something that is very important in Poland due to the large amount of land the agriculture industry takes up here (around 60%). To learn more about this, we are planning to conduct surveys in farm towns to understand how farmers have been impacted and what methods are working. Our end goal is to inform more people about what worked, and what didn’t.